

Dr. Janis Pallister's lecture series looks at 法国, Canadian culture

帕利斯特法加系列讲座 展示来自法属加拿大的人才, 和 explores 法国 cultural experiences in the North American setting.

这个系列讲座是由 Dr. 詹尼斯·L. 黄金搭档, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Romance 语言 at BGSU. 在她的职业生涯中以及之后. Pallister earned an outst和ing reputation in scholarly activities. She published six books, co-authored others 和 delivered 90 scholarly papers in the USA 和 abroad. Her interests were focused on 法国 Renaissance 和 Baroque literature, 罗曼语的黑人文学, 加拿大法语文学, 法语越南文学, 法语女性电影导演和阿卡迪亚电影.


Each year the BGSU Department of 世界语言和文化 和 the 法国 Program host the 帕利斯特法加系列讲座. 的 series is now part of the Spring International 电影 Series.


7:30 p.m.
206 Bowen-Thompson学生会

A reception will follow the screening of the film 和 the discussion.

Genevieve Dulude DeCelles

客座导演:genevi Dulude-De Celles
电影: 一个Colonie (殖民地)

genevi Dulude-De Celles is a Canadian film director who received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best Director at the 7th Canadian Screen 奖 in 2019 for her debut feature drama film 一个殖民地 (一个colonie), 2018年,魁北克/加拿大.

在学习了电影和摄影之后, Dulude-De Celles flew to Romania where she taught the art of cinematography at a 法国 school in Bucharest. 在她回到quemenbec后, 她开始攻读电影学士学位, 她在哪里专攻电影导演. 她的最后一部电影作品(亲爱的朋友们) travelled through Québec 和 several international film festivals, 一路上赢得了几个奖项. She later began a master's degree in film 和 moving images at l’Université du Québec à Montréal. She paused for a trip around the world where she directed 和 produced short documentaries for a television show 世界自动课程 在Canal Évasion播出. Upon her return, Dulude-De Celles wrote 和 directed a short film (La双门跑车). She is co-founder of a production company called Colonelle 电影s.



弗雷德里克·佩尔蒂埃 是2019年的客座导演吗. 他讨论了他的博天堂官方片, 迭戈的明星 (2013)放映后.

迭戈的明星 也是 国际电影节, “撤销单一博天堂官方.“这个词, “单一的博天堂官方,” refers to Nigerian writer Chimam和a Ngoze Achidie’s TED talk, 《单一博天堂官方的危险.” Achidie explores the power of storytelling to construct 和 perpetuate stereotypes about others—especially if one tells one single story about them over 和 over again. 


弗雷德里克·佩尔蒂埃 出生在圣路易斯市对面的lsamis. 劳伦斯河,来自quemail市. He currently lives 和 works in Montreal 和 has worked both for the cinacematisque du quacembec 以及加拿大国家电影局. 目前,他是一名纪录片程序员 电影汇合会, which is a film festival founded in 1982 in Québec; he continues to produce both shorts 和 feature films.

Tournage 迭戈的明星  

的情节 迭戈的明星

A serious accident occurs on board the 迭戈的明星, a dilapidated 俄罗斯 cargo ship. Traore, a mechanic from the Ivory Coast, is unfairly blamed for it. 船被拖到最近的船坞修理. In the interim, crew members find shelter with the inhabitants of the small local village. Far from everyone he loves 和 knows, Traore is engulfed by the Quebec winter.


Bachir Bensaddek

3月29日星期四,M. Bensaddek参观了BGSU的校园,谈论他的电影. 电影放映后举行了招待会.  

Bachir Bensaddek  has been a director of documentaries for fifteen years. 他的第一部博天堂官方片, 蒙特利尔白市, 哪部电影将于3月29日上映, 2018年晚上7:30,在汉纳大厅的BGSU Gish剧院, was playing in theatres in the province of Québec in Spring 2016. M. Bensaddek is currently directing a documentary series for Télé Québec while developing new feature film projects.


蒙特利尔白市 (2016),主演 卡琳娜Aktouf  Rabah Aït Ouyahia

总结——蒙特利尔的一个平安夜, 斋月期间(穆斯林斋戒月), the destinies of two immigrants of Algerian origin cross for a brief few hours. Amokrane, a taxi driver attempting to avoid any holidays that might dredge up difficult memories, 抱起卡希娜, 一个年轻的, somewhat distracted professional tryng to catch up to her ex-husb和 和 her young daughter. 的 night 和 the taxi serve as the backdrop of Amokrane 和 Kahina's interactions, 在阿莫克兰出租车的后视镜里, memories of Algeria 和 the civil war of the 1990s resurface despite the attempts of both protagonists to blanket those experiences under the white snow of Montreal.

金Thùy, Ru的作者

Kim Thuy is a Vietnamese author whose novel of a 10-year-old born in Saigon during the 1968 Tet Offensive is autobiographical in nature.

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Marie-Célie Agnant; Poet 和 Author

Marie-Célie Agnant, writer of poems, short stories 和 novels, left Haiti for Canada in 1970. She has also worked as a translator 和 interpreter in addition to having earned a diploma in teaching 法国 as a Second Language. She has taught for several years 和 also worked as a research assistant. It is this research that led to the publication of her first novel, La dot de Sara [莎拉的嫁妆],出版于1995年. 的 narrative is based on auto-biographical accounts told by gr和mothers of Haitian origin. 的 stories were communicated in Créole within the context of a sociological research project.

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Bernard Émond, director, screenwriter (borne in Montréal in 1951). After studies in anthropology 和 several years teaching at various Montréal Cégeps, Bernard Émond went to live in the Canadian Arctic to do work as an apprentice for Inuit television.



Denis Chouinard has proceeded like someone who has always known what he thinks. He has written 和 directed or co-directed six evocatively named shorts: On parlait pas allem和 in 1985, 1993年,14人死亡, 1995年, 和, in 1998, 这部纪录片, Le verbe incendi.

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quacimbec剧作家Marco Micone出生在蒙特隆戈, 1945年移居意大利,1958年随家人移居加拿大. He grew up in Montreal 和 earned 法国 degrees at Loyola 和 McGill. 在后者,他写了一个M.A. 关于马塞尔·杜伯纳戏剧的论文(1969).

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Monique Proulx is a 法国-Canadian writer who has achieved considerable literary recognition, 无论是在加拿大还是在国外. 她的第一部小说, 无心无耻, 获得阿德里安娜·乔凯特文学奖, 和 some of her other novels have won her awards such as the Signet d’Or de Plaisir de Lire, quamesbec图书馆奖, 利特·德贾尔丁奖和巴黎奖.

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的 Honorable Herménéglide Chiasson, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick


Hejer Charf,电影制作人

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