BGSU Music Recruiter
    This meeting will include a tour of the Moore Musical Arts Center led by a student and/or staff member. It will also include the chance to find out more about the recruitment process and questions you might have about the College of Musical Arts

    During your tour, you will see the facilities used by College of Musical Arts students; learn more about our performance, composing, and teaching opportunities; job/graduate school placement; outstanding faculty- as well as dive into beyond, discovering what your experience at the College of Musical Arts could hold. 

    If you have questions, or are interested in setting up other activities on the day of your tour (such as meeting with the applied faculty member for your instrument/voice type, sitting in on a rehearsal, etc.) feel free to reach out to Mikaela Kroyer, College of Musical Arts Academic Recruiter, by email at, by text message at 419-314-3403, or by phone call at 419-372-9249.

    Detailed information regarding directions, parking, and meeting location will be provided upon registration.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled